
The Law Enforcement Survival Institute
“Saving the lives of the people who save lives!”

“If we don’t take care of our people, they won’t be able to take care of THE PEOPLE!”

The Law Enforcement Survival Institute (LESI) is an assessment, consulting and training organization. We work with law-enforcement professionals and other first responders and their organizations who want to be at their best. Our focus is wellness and resilience. The Law Enforcement Survival Institute is supported by subject matter experts on a variety of topics around the areas of wellness, resilience, human performance and improving organizational culture.

Imagine that you could build resilience within individuals, agencies and entire communities.

We can guide you with practical strategies that will make these concepts simple and effective to create.

As Consultants We Can:
• Guide you, Advise you
• Train you, Encourage you
• Question you, Challenge you
• Be a Trusted Member of your Team!

At LESI we believe that law enforcement wellness should not be a program but rather a system, and an effective police wellness system should be strategic, comprehensive, specific, measurable and sustainable.

We have been working for years to build resilient first responders and have accumulated massive amounts of knowledge and information about what works and what doesn’t.

We support the health and resilience of people and organizations in the areas that:
• Create and Maintain Individual & Family Wellness and Resilience
• Cultivate a Positive Organizational Culture of Wellness
• Build the Necessary Wellness Support Systems
• Promote Wellness Leadership
• Foster Trust and Positive Community Relationships
• Promote Wellness Focused Policing

We Help You Build Wellness Systems! – we believe that wellness and resilience are symbiotic systems made up of several critical parts that must work in tandem in order for the whole to be effective.

CLICK HERE to download a PDF document of this page for your information

The Services That We Offer Can Include:
• Individual, Organizational and Community Assessments
• Consulting to Determine or Support Existing Wellness or Resilience Initiatives
• Enhancing your Agency with Participation in the Wellness Systems Building Project
• Executive Coaching to and Mastermind Groups to Support Wellness Leadership
• Consulting and Training that Promote Trust and Positive Community Interactions
• We also offer In-Person, Virtual, Pre-Recorded or Blended Training
• Helping you to add Mentoring to your Spectrum of Employee Development Tools

Consider our Armor Your Self™ Resilience Building Training.

We offer custom made solutions using a Virtual Consultative-Training* process to help your people and your agency to be their best.

*consultative-training, also called solution-based training, is a process that works partially well in the virtual environment. In place of more expensive in-person training we can now provide live Zoom training or pre- recorded training, or a combination, that allows the participants to conduct self-paced work within the initiative’s overall timeline, and then access group sessions from wherever they are, using the Zoom platform. This also means that everyone has instant online access to the exact same information and training materials whenever they have time, which makes scheduling conflicts due to shift-work a thing of the past.

We also offer In-Person, Virtual, Pre-Recorded or Blended Training

List of our Law Enforcement Survival Institute Assessments:

For Individuals & Families:
Total Wellness Risk Assessment – Are You On Target?
Armor Your Self™ Check-up/Tune-up
Tactical Resilience™ Threat Assessment
Family Balance Evaluator™
Targeting Trauma Evaluator™
Targeted Resilience Assessment™

For Organizations:
LESI Organizational Assessment™
Armor Your Agency™ Model Organizational Checklist
LESI Organizational Health Survey™
Basic Agency Resilience Survey for Small and Medium Sized Agencies

For Leaders:
Law Enforcement Leadership Assessment™ (LELA)
LESI Leadership Wheel (Two versions: for self and external leadership assessment)
Crisis Cost Plotter™

For Communities:
LESI Community Health Survey™
LoCAL Initiative Effectiveness Scales

For Culture Change Catalysts:
True Blue Valor Culture Calculator™
True Blue Valor™ Critical Support Survey
True Blue Valor™ Action Planning for Cultural Change Survey – Agency Action Plan
True Blue Valor™ Action Planning for Cultural Change Survey – Individual Action Plan

CLICK HERE to take our free, online, Wellness Focused Policing Snapshot survey. It only takes a moment to answer the 10 simple questions and then you will immediately receive your diagnostic snapshot survey report by email.

If you really want to roll up your sleeves and build a comprehensive law enforcement wellness system that focuses on people, support systems, culture and leadership, consider our Comprehensive Law Enforcement Wellness Systems Building Project. We take several months to work with your team to assess needs, establish priorities, develop an organizational improvement action plan and finally evaluate your success!

This isn’t a quick-fix, checkbox training, but rather a multi-part, complex project that we facilitate but you and your team build to suit the needs and desires of your organization. Do you need help shaking out some difficult issues, we can help!

For more information please contact us and we would be happy to talk with you about your specific needs and provide you with a price quote for any of our products or services that can help you. Please contact us at: 303-940-0411 or CLICK HERE to email us!

©Copyright 2023 – The Law Enforcement Survival Institute – All Rights Reserved
www.LawEnforcementSurvivalInstitute.org • www.WellnessFocusedPolicing.com
www.PoliceWellness.com • www.ArmorYourSelf.com